We had a great Easter. The kids had an Easter egg hunt at Grandma's house with all of their cousins on the Nebeker side. It was really cute watching them tromp around in the snow looking for eggs. As always, I was so impressed at how well the older kids take care of and help the little ones. What good kids are in this family. I always feel lucky to be a part of it.
The following Saturday, we took the boys to the anual Easter Egg "Chase" at the ball parks. The police department provides the event every year, filling 8,000 plastic eggs with candy and spreading them out on each of the four fields. The kids gather at their designated field, according to age range, and when the police siren sounds they all take off in a big, chaotic frenzie and gather eggs. It kind of resembles a hoard of locusts flying over a crop devastating everything in their path. It takes an hour to get everyone organized and ready and then it is over in about 2 minutes after the siren goes off, but the kids all love it.

Keenan didn't get very many eggs because he was too concerned about getting the pink and purple ones. That's my boy! Draiman only got some because Tyrel grabbed a couple for him. He was so excited by the kids running around like chickens with their heads cut off that he just ran and kept passing the eggs. Also, out of the hundreds of kids at the field that day, the newspaper asked if they could take his picture and it ended up on the front page! You can see his picture Here.

The Dentist
Mr. Fix-it
The following Saturday, we took the boys to the anual Easter Egg "Chase" at the ball parks. The police department provides the event every year, filling 8,000 plastic eggs with candy and spreading them out on each of the four fields. The kids gather at their designated field, according to age range, and when the police siren sounds they all take off in a big, chaotic frenzie and gather eggs. It kind of resembles a hoard of locusts flying over a crop devastating everything in their path. It takes an hour to get everyone organized and ready and then it is over in about 2 minutes after the siren goes off, but the kids all love it.

Keenan didn't get very many eggs because he was too concerned about getting the pink and purple ones. That's my boy! Draiman only got some because Tyrel grabbed a couple for him. He was so excited by the kids running around like chickens with their heads cut off that he just ran and kept passing the eggs. Also, out of the hundreds of kids at the field that day, the newspaper asked if they could take his picture and it ended up on the front page! You can see his picture Here.
On Saturday night we dyed eggs. This was the first Easter since we've had the boys that Tyrel has been able to be home with us to dye eggs, so it was kind of special for our family. Draiman was too cute. Everytime we gave him a color, he piled every one of his eggs into it so they were stacked on top of each other. Some of the eggs didn't even touch the dye, and it overflowed onto the table!

Foolishly, I assumed that the boys would wake me up at the crack of dawn, as always to say that the sun was up, but instead, I woke up to the sound of little feet running around upstairs. (I'd like to note here that I've been trying without success for months to get the boys to go upstairs when they wake up in the mornings without waking me up and Keenan picks Easter to start.) So, I hurried and woke up Draiman and Tyrel and we went up to see their baskets and find the eggs that the Easter Bunny had hid. Then I made my traditional Easter breakfast quiche and took it over to my dad's to have breakfast with them. Tyrel got called in to work so we ended up spending the day there and had a barbeque that night with my brother and my dad and their families. It was a fun day and I'm grateful that we got to spend at least some of Easter with Tyrel this year.
The Dentist
Keenan went to the Mt. Ogden Surgical Center yesterday morning to have an insane amount of dental work done for a three year-old. We woke up bright and early (actually, it wasn't bright at all. It was 5am and snowing) and headed for South Ogden. They let me stay with him to get the "giggle gas" until he fell asleep and then I had to wait outside while they started the IV and did the procedure. He did not like the gas at all. The anesthesiologist said it smelled like giraffe feet and that's why they have such long necks. Keenan thought it was funny later that day, but not so much at the time. It all went really well and he came out with five fillings, one pulpectomy (the equivelant of a root canal, but on baby teeth), and three caps. He hacked and gagged a bit when he was recovering from the anesthesia, but he's been perfect since. No pain, but it's easy to tell he needs some time to get used to the caps. He licks them and moves his lips over them a lot. I think we'll be cutting back on the sugar in his diet, though.
Mr. Fix-it
I've been getting itchy to redecorate the house a bit and have been telling myself that now is not the time to spend money frivolously. So, I was secretly overjoyed when I could not get the walls in my bathroom clean and when I realized that the trim was pulling away from the wall, not to mention the fact that I've never been able to get them clean since we moved in. I decided that this was reason enough to paint and get new trim. I went to Wal-Mart and bought some paint (on sale, Tyrel, calm down) and painted the bathroom. I was going for a light, neutral brown tone, but it ended up being a bit "earthy." What I mean is that it looks like someone took a bucket of mud and very neatly spread it over my walls, but that's what you get when you buy bargain paint that was "mis-tinted." Nonetheless, my walls now look clean. Well . . . muddy, but there are no fingerprints and it did richen up the room a little.
I thought that with all of the brown it needed some white so I went and bought white trim. At this point, I had already painted the walls and bought the trim so Tyrel didn't argue. He just gave in, bought a mider box, and put up the trim for me. Now I don't know how many of you have ever experienced Tyrel's carpentry, but it is a bit . . . verbal. If something doesn't fit right, or look right, or nail right, words fly. I've learned to stay out of the room and just look in if I hear anything that sounded like something got thrown through the wall.
So, as Tyrel was in our tiny little bathroom swearing like a sailor, the boys and I were in the kitchen playing with play-do. It was a great teaching moment. The lesson? We never repeat anything we hear from daddy when he is building things. But, when it was all said and done, my bathroom was finished (except I have to touch up the ceiling where the paint seeped under the tape.) Everytime I go in, I decide that I like the brown a little more and I realized that muddy brown is the perfect color for a bathroom. It will hide anything (and I do mean anything) that two little boys can think of to smear on the wall. ;)

Hope Keenan feels a lot better!!
Your bathroom looks cute, good job to you and Tyrel.
Loved reading all you have been doing? I couldn't remember when Keenan was getting the work done. Glad all went well with him.
Tyrel must have got his "skills" from his dad. If it helps, they get better the more you talk them into doing, and I don't mean the language:)
The paper couldn't have found anyone cuter for the front page.
I like the brown paint.
I agree with Mom. Tyrel gets his carpentry style from Dad...
The boys are getting so big. It's been too long since I've been home.
I enjoyed that. Draiman's picture in the paper is cute. The "earthy" look isn't too bad. At least you aren't living in a lead-based painted apartment.
Looks great! We painted some walls in our bedroom and the faux wall in our front room the color "hot chocolate". It turned out a little darker than planned...but I am really starting to like it! Next is the boys rooms. Let me know if you feel like painting more! ;)
Okay I LOVE the color of your bathroom! LOVE it!!
Cute Easter pics too!
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