Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mom on Strike

A word of warning: This is not a happy or cute post. It is me venting to the only source around me that won't talk back or argue. If you don't like reading about people whining, stop reading now.

So, I want to first say that I love my family and I would never trade my children for anything. BUT . . . there are times that I just wish they had an off button that I could push and then stuff them in a closet until I was ready to turn them back on again. I have been feeling so tapped out this week- like I can't take the sound of one more whine or hear "mommy" or "did you cook dinner?" one more time. Am I the only one who gets this way? Does that make me a terrible mom?

I think it's because I just got done taking care of and cleaning up after a bunch of puking Nebekers. I don't think there is one room in my house that did not get "marked". Plus, Draiman is HORRIBLE when he's sick. He is up through most of the night and during the day throws one tantrum after another with no discernable cause. At one point, I heard him crying and didn't even go check. I just sat on a chair, staring at the floor thinking, "If it's bad enough, he'll come get me anyway. Geez I hope it's not because he threw up again. Is he too little to make him clean it up himself?" Not only have I been over-needed, but I am incredibly sleep deprived and everytime I think, "Everyone is better now" Draiman wakes up puking again. This is the flu that never ends!

I've decided that if grocery store employees in California can have a union to make sure they are treated fairly and not overworked, moms should have one too. I want a guarentee that I will be compensated for graveyard shifts and overtime. I also want a department to take care of my family's grievances. Most importantly, I want a guarantee that I will get at least two days a week off with compensation for those weeks that I do not and for doing especially disturbing jobs, such as shaking vomited-up spaghetti out of a blanket or scraping it out from between couch cushions.
Finally, I want to be able to go on strike when I feel that those demands have not been adequately met.

Anyway, I've rambled long enough. Maybe I just needed to put it out there so I could see how silly I am being so I can snap out of it. Next week will better (how could it not be?).


Kyle & Shanna said...

I'm sorry. That sounds like it's been really tough. Hopefully things get better.

Knight Family said...

Children!! I am sorry you are feeling this way, it doesn't get better!:) But when they do start going to school it is nice til they come home fighting and screaming and destroying the house.

Coop, Trish, and the kids said...

I'm all on board with a Union. I want sick days, holidays, vacation, and personal time.

I can't even pee without interruption. "What doing, Mom?"

Don't beat yourself up. We all have days we wish our kids came with a remote control..... Now where's that mute button?

Gramma Spot10 said...

Boy, do I hear you. I don't know how I ever did it with 8, and when you don't feel well yourself it makes it even harder. I agree that sometimes "mommy" is one of those "bad words" that you just don't want to hear. Hang in there. You may like them more when they are about 18.:) Then you just worry about them all the time, but can't do much.
You're a great mom and wife. I admire you for all you do for your Nebeker boys.

Misty said...

I have thought about and even threatened to sell Jack more than once!! I won't give him away because there are times that I think that I should get paid for letting him live this long!! I am comforted to know that I am not the only mom that gets stressed!!