Next, we made paper valentines out of pre-cut hearts, markers, and shapes they could glue on. We also printed out their pictures and glued them on the fronts. We plan to give them to the grandparents, but knowing me I won't actually get them out till next year.
When Valentine's Day came, we started the day with pink, heart-shaped pancakes. But, after a couple of batches, I got tired of making the hearts and we just had regularly-shaped, pink pancakes.
After breakfast, the boys got their Valentine's gifts from me and Tyrel. It was just a heart-shaped container that had M&Ms in it and a box of Sweethearts, but the boys thought it was AMAZING.
Later, we checked the mail on a hunch that there might be a package from Grandma Spotten, and of course, there was! (BTW, Dianne, Keenan absolutely loves Transformers right now and Bumblebee is his favorite so you couldn't have picked a better Valentine's card for him.) They are always so excited to get their very own mail.
So, even if I couldn't spend the day with my Valentine, I couldn't have picked two better replacements. We had a good time!